Voluntary Party Gazette | ||
Voluntary association is the key to peace. On the other hand, citizens have a duty to fellow citizens to allow their fellows” freedom in order to guarantee their own liberty. In the case of juries, this translates to fair judgement of citizens by each other, fairness enlisted by an attempt to imagine oneself standing before the bar. In essence, one shows fairness to others in order to receive fair treatment for oneself. One is a "good citizen" voluntarily. |
We strive for human equivalence, NOT equality. We are not interested in identical people, but rather people of equal value, not fairness as determined by equal outcomes, but by an equal "right to try", an equivalent opportunity. |
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Life is voluntary, the trick is living with the consequences. There are no guarantees, so one must have the right to choose. Impulse is not an excuse for action. Impulse may be involuntary, but following and acting upon that impulse is voluntary. Authoritarianism requires the populace to remain in a state of permanent childhood. A voluntary world would allow childhood to happen, as a training period for adulthood, and also allow it to gracefully end, then requiring adult responsibilities of the child, i.e. to bear the responsibility for their actions. Authoritarianism makes individual choice, the act of an adult, prohibited. |
Civil Rights Acts designed to free, have just switched shackles! Take discrimination by government out of the law, by all means, BUT it is not for government to legislate our personal actions in terms of perceived discrimination between people. Voluntary Association handles all this without government action. Instead, we just forced every citizen to be treated as a slave instead of just "colored" people. Victory? Voluntary association allows prejudice to avoid influence. Any discrimination is limited to willing, voluntary participants, unlike government law which must exist to include all people. Meanwhile individuals live by their own choices, and some of those choices will be frowned upon by fellow citizens - any variety of choices, for any variety of reasons. The secret to a free society is recognizing that acceptance of someone exercising free choice, regardless of personal taste, must be allowed liberty, thus insuring liberty to all. Liberty does not include the right to control your neighbor! Obviously, this does not extend to violence or thievery, but allowing freedom is not equivalent to condoning behavior. |
FOREIGN POLICY Lead the world by example. Autonomy for all! States added to the Union voluntarily! America is meant to be the hope for human evolution, to show that freedom works, BUT we must create a Freedom Zone, i.e. a place where liberty an roam free, unafraid of threats to them from outside the Zone. The armed forces of our country are there to protect and hold the borders of this Freedom Zone, to allow free enterprise to run free to create prosperity. Accept applications for statehood. Encourage others in the world to join our union and live with the protections that a constitutional republic can offer the individual. Fight foreign enemies who attack or threaten to attack us and destroy them, but stay out of civil wars! Perhaps some conflicts could be eradicated with the possibility of Union and "peace through strength" and "hard work leads to prosperity!" We must persuade other people around the world to live similar values, but we must remain true to the maintenance of the Freedom Zone first, else the hope of the future ascent for humankind is lost. |
How We Betrayed Ourselves |
Off topic: Why fertility treatments, when a myriad of orphans exist? Research into eugenics? Yuck. Selfish adults... |